Kindle Unlimited

Fill your nights with delicious dreams. USA Today Authors – 5 books #newrelease #free with #KU #Romance #99cents #.99 #deals #Scottish #readingromance #ebooks #boxset #ASMSG #booklovers #findnewbooks #amreading

Yes – the book is in Kindle Unlimited – 1400 pages – FREE

Strong Women Giveaway

150 authors have come together to offer over $2,500 in prizes, including 2 grand prizes of $1,000 each.   Can’t get much better than that!

We are celebrating strong women in fiction with a lot of books to choose from – historical romance to sweet contemporary, plus hot paranormals, mysteries and thrillers.

BrendaJernigan_TheDukesLady_2000pxTo get in on the fun and hopefully win a prize, you start here.

Best of luck. Hope you are a winner – Brenda Jernigan


THE MISFITS – Released in paperback

Here is a chance to win a copy of THE MISFITS  in paperback.  This is a 700 page book.  Good luck.

Kindle Unlimited – Stormy Passion

First I’d like to thank everyone who made THE WICKED LADY #2 on the best sellers list.  I couldn’t have done it without you.

Next I’d like to let you know that I have put STORMY PASSION into Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program for the next 90 days.  That means if you’re in their program that you can read the book for free.  Both stories are sweet and will make you fall in love all over again.  The 2 book package usually sales for $3.99.

Hope you get a chance to read.  I’m headed to the beach for a week, and I plan on doing a lot of reading and proofing as I’m working on the next book.
